giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

MAYDAY - Doctors Who Can't Wait - Elettroshock-poesia di Don Weitz

MAYDAY - Doctors Who Can’t Wait*
(Dedicated to Elizabeth Ellis and other elderly women shock survivors)

wake up everybody
it’s shock day every monday-wednesday-friday
in psychoprison Anoka
where 67-year-old Elizabeth Ellis

waits in silence, refuses to talk to
doctors who can’t wait
to label her “catatonic”
doctors who can’t wait
to fire 200 volts
into her fragile aging brain
doctors who can’t wait

to perform electrical lobotomies on her sisters
doctors who can’t wait
to commit elder abuse
doctors who can’t wait
to commit psychiatric rape
doctors who can’t wait
to conspire with sons and husbands
to lock up and shock
doctors who can’t wait to
re-traumatize oppressed women labeled
doctors who can’t wait to
destroy more brains/careers/lives - collateral damage -
your sister, girlfriend, mother or grandmother could be next
doctors who can’t wait to
silence voices of “noncompliant patients” - freedom fighters -
doctors who can’t wait to
con health ministers to fund shock mills
doctors who can’t wait to
lie to patients/families/lawyers/reporters
about “safe, effective and lifesaving ECT ”
to a disinterested disconnected world
ignorant, betrayed, brainwashed by
nazis in white coats who torture
in the name of DSM and ECT
who torture/lie/coverup in the name of mental health
time to act out/rise up/fight back
against psychiatric fascism
everyday is mayday

Don Weitz

* Revised & expanded First read at the Mayworks Poetry Marathon on May 1, 2011, and at another anti-shock protest,“Stop Shocking Our Mothers and Grandmothers”, on May 7, 2011 in Toronto

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