I update
you about the Niguarda affair:
1°: on 2010 December the 13th, Milan’s
Telefono Viola, together with some patient’s relatives, registered a complaint
to the Milan’s Public Prosecutor’s Office, whose object concerns 5 death cases
(3 more than those reported in my previous article) and 5 abuse and violence
cases linked to the restraint (Rita F. after having been restrained to the bed,
is forced to live on a wheelchair . In all these cases documentation and
medical reports are lacking/missing.
2°: on 2010 December the 14th UNASAM
(National Union of Mental Health’s Associations) asks for an inquiry to be open
on Niguarda’s Psychiatric wards.
3° on 2010 December the 13th the
City Councilwoman Chiara Cremonesi settles a Parliamentary Inquiry about the
Niguarda affair.
4° on 2010 December the 13th Ignazio
Marino, National Health Service Inquiry Commission’s president asks the NAS
(Anti Sophistication Nucleus) Carabiniers an investigation.
I update
you about Francesco Mastrogiovanni’s case:
On 2010 December the 6th’s
hearing, all the exception raised by the accused have been rejected. The trial
continues with the rite of immediate judgement.
On 2010 December 14th’s hearing:
The judge rejects the requests to exclude the associations that instituted a civil
action (Roma’s Telefono Viola, Unasam (National Union of Mental Health’s
Associations), Robin Hood Association, Iniziativa Antipsichiatrica
(Antipsychiatric Initiative).
On 2010 December the 22nd hearing:
Francesco Mastrogiovanni family’s request is accepted to summon Salerno’s Asl
(Hospital) as civil responsible.
On 2011 March the 22nd
will have course the next hearing at 9.30 am, with a new Sit in by the Vallo
Della Lucania’s Tribunal.
Erveda Sansi
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